Isabel Drost
Some information on myself:
What I like:
- Thilo.
- Computer science, I have turned my hobby into my profession.
- Literature (Pratchett, Tucholsky,...).
- Travelling.
- Total panic before and after each exam (especially those talking to me in this time are suffering ...).
- Rather forgetful: who else forgets to take his coat and boots in deepest winter, leaves the keys for the car so often at university that they the probability of loosing them approaches 1?
The following appears whenever I feel bored:
Only one: I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, don't take drugs...
Where you can find me:
- In front of my Mac Book (running Debian).
- In summer in the sun or at a lake.
- In winter on skis or ice skates.
- At the weekend sometimes at Berlin, but more often at Jüterbog or at home in Waldheim.
How to reach me:
- Call me at my mobile, if I do not answer, don't worry. That is normal. I will call you back if you sent your number.
- My mail adress can be found at any keyserver.
In case you have difficulties understanding my German: